Where's That Bar Cart?
Where's That Bar Cart is a weekly golf podcast hosted by three comedians (and sometimes an actor) - Darryl Purvis, Monty Scott, Nick Durie, and Gina Louise Phillips. Each week we cover golf tangentially, and generally try to keep it together.
Where's That Bar Cart?
Where's That Bar Cart? Episode 6.2 - He Putts Like a Bone Saw
This week we’re a Monty down, but Darryl, Gina and Nick pick up the slack, reviewing Gina’s time at The Canadian Open, and the horrorfest that was The US Open. We keep trying to come up with ideas to marry golf and comedy, and ask the age-old question: can you copyright your face?
Thanks each and everyone of you for listening and watching, thanks to Comedy Records, and please subscribe to our YouTube channel @ComedyRecords. Play well out there everyone.
Follow us at:
- @wheresthatbarcart
- linkt.ree/wheresthatbarcart
- @dpurcomic
- @montymofoscott
- @nickdurie
- @ginalouisephillips
- @comedyrecords
Music by Devin Bateson
Thank you to Comedy Records