Where's That Bar Cart?

Where's That Bar Cart? Episode 6.5 - A Splintered Podcast!

Nick Durie Darryl Purvis Monty Scott Gina Louise Phillips Season 6 Episode 5

In yet another first for Where’s That Bar Cart, no Nick!! GLP, Darryl and Monty soldier valiantly on, keeping things on the rails as best they can … though there is a LOT of soccer talk. 

Thanks each and everyone of you for listening and watching, thanks to Comedy Records, and please subscribe to our YouTube channel @ComedyRecords. Play well out there everyone.

Follow us at:

- @wheresthatbarcart
- linkt.ree/wheresthatbarcart
- @dpurcomic
- @montymofoscott
- @nickdurie
- @ginalouisephillips
- @comedyrecords
Music by Devin Bateson

Thank you to Comedy Records